The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks
(2022 - ongoing)
online platform
(2022 - ongoing)
online platform
This website works as an online platform from the physical workshop “The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks”. The platform works both for navigating through the written imaginative stories, and also to write the story. The visitors can experience the migration journey of Jonas through the tracking data from Animal Tracker App: (, and write a story of what the bird might have perceived during his migration.
Web-based Platform
PCs, Mouses, Keyboards, Headphones, Steel Trusses, Acrylic Plates, Round Carpets
concept: Hyeseon Jeong, Seongmin Yuk
web design and programming: Egozen
soundscape composition: Jiyun Park
acknowledgement: Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour: Michael Quetting, Hemal Naik, Andrea Flack, All participants of the workshop
developed in the framework of Driving the Human
supported by Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) based on a decision of the German Bundestag
eventDriving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal, silent green Kulturquartier, Berlin(DE)

First, Fifth, and Sixth Installation Photos © Laila Schubert
Second - Fourth Installation Photos © Camille Blake
Second - Fourth Installation Photos © Camille Blake