
Hyeseon Jeong and Seongmin Yuk are an artist duo based in Cologne. They focus on the examination of new narratives through their audiovisual works. Their narratives address new eco-social structures, by speculating a hyper-connected environment, where humans, nonhumans, and machines create an alternative planetary living. They actively present their works and workshops internationally,  such as at ZKM (2023/DE), Driving the Human Festival (2021-2023/DE), Bienal ‘23 Fotografia do Porto (2023/PT), Matters of Activity (2023/DE), Images Festival (2023/CA), Nordic House (2022/IS), Temporary Gallery (2022/DE), BISFF (2022/CN), ADAF (2022/GR) and among others. They have collaborated since 2021 and obtained their diploma degrees from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.

Contact ✨️

Hyeseon Jeong: @jeolmyohan 
Seongmin Yuk: @seongminyuk

Group Exhibitions (selected)

2024    Forking Room, Hyper Super X-large … Boom!, Post Territory Ujeongguk, Seoul(KO)
2023    Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal, ZKM, Karlsruhe(DE)
2023    Acts of Empathy,  Bienal '23 Fotografia do Porto, Portuguese Centre of Photography, Porto (PT)
2022    Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal, silent green Kulturquartier, Berlin(DE)
2022    TALK TO ME – Other Histories of Nature, Temporary Gallery, Cologne(DE)
2021    Driving the Human: 21 Visions for Eco-social Renewal, radialsystem, Berlin(DE)
2021    Die Digitale: Digital Jokes, Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf(DE)
2021    Drifts Festival - Unmapping Futures, Museum of Impossible Forms / Keinulaudankuja 4E, Helsinki(FI)
2021    Underground Gallery Digitale, Die digitale Düsseldorf, U-Bahnhof Heinrich-Heine-Allee, Düsseldorf(DE)
2021    Shifting moments, Choi and Lager Gallery, Cologne(DE)
2021    Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival: The International Digital Competition, Tel Aviv(IL)
2020    H1DD3N 9ALL3RY D1G1TAL3: “DIGITAL SECRETS”, Die digitale Düsseldorf, Wallpassage, Düsseldorf(DE)
2020    Digital Secrets, Die digitale Düsseldorf, Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf(DE)
2019     Plastic Nature, Gallery Roman darzs, Liepajas(LV)
2019    COIN, Acht Brücken Festival, Cologne(DE)
2018    Film ohne Film, 31th Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart(DE)
2018    * has joined the collaborative session, Kunsthaus Rhenania, Cologne(DE)
2018    Near-Field Communication Digital Art Biennale, Gol(NO), Warsaw, Wroclaw(PL), Amsterdam(NL),
Valencia(ES), Düsseldorf(DE)

Screenings, Soundings (selected)

2023    Images Festival, Toronto(CA)
2023    Dunhuang Animation Festival, Dunhuang(CN)
2022    Beijing International Short Film Festival, Beijing(CN)
2022    18th Athens Digital Arts Festival - FutuRetro, Online screening(GR)
2022    TEMPS D’IMAGES, Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf(DE)
2021     Kanal K: Best sound pieces from sonohr Radio&Podcast Festival, Aarau(CH)
2021     SonOhr Radio & Podcast Festival, National competition, Bern(CH)
2021     Festival Tanz NRW 21, dringeblieben.de(online)
2020    European Media Art Festival, INIT Film Program: grave new world, Osnabrück(DE)
2020    Hundertpro Festival 2020, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Mülheim an der Ruhr(DE)


2024    Dispatches from the Field, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior with Schloss Solitude, KULA Kulturladen, Konstanz(DE, upcoming)
2023    The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks, Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP), Porto(PT)    
2023    The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks, Matters of Activity, Berlin(DE)
2023    The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks, Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, Karlsruhe(DE)
2022    The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks, silent green Kulturquartier, Berlin(DE)
2022    The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks, Nordic House, Reykjavík(IS)
2022    The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks, Temporary Gallery, Cologne(DE)
2022    The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks, Atelier Xoda, Cologne(DE)

Awards and Grants

2022 - 2024    Atelier Grant, City of Cologne(DE)
2022    Nomination, 26. Bundespreis für Kunststudierende(DE)
2022    Shortlist,  Animation, 18th Athens Digital Arts Festival(GR)
2021 - 2022    Research/Project Grant, Driving the Human(DE)
2021    Nomination, National competition, SonOhr Radio & Podcast Festival(CH)


Aug 2022    Nordic House, Reykjavík(IS)


Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal, Mosse, 2023

Artist Talks

2024    The Internet of Animals Tells Tomorrow: Between Science and Myth. Forking Room, Seoul(KO)
2023    In Collaboration with Scientific Researchers, Scientific Data and Discourse, ZKM, Karlsruhe(DE)  2022    Conversation: Blueprints for Collaboration: Science and the Arts. Driving the Human, Berlin(DE)   

Articles, Interviews, etc.

•   Anton Rahlwes. Utopische Welten. form 294 - Natur. pp.20. 2021 (DE)
•   Calum Ross. Driving the Human announces seven chosen projects. ARTSTHREAD. 2021 (UK)

© 2024 Jeong & Yuk

© 2023 Jeong & Yuk