Pĭlacommúnĭtas: 2130 News (2022)

‘Pĭlacommúnĭtas: 2130 News’ presents a fictional future public information screen. The single channel video consists of a campaign commercial, two pieces of breaking news, a public survey, and a quiz. The elements illustrate speculative future issues, which are driven by the Pĭlacommúnĭtas.

Single Channel Video, 1:37 min, Loop, UHD, No sound
Steel Trusses, RGB Light Stripes, Plastic Tubes,

Dimensions Variable

concept, editing, animation: Hyeseon Jeong, Seongmin Yuk
translation: Meagan Hall
installation assistant: Blanca Barbat
approved use of the font ‘Dyade’ by Stefanie Vogl
supported by Driving the Human

event Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal, silent green Kulturquartier, Berlin(DE)


First and Second Installation
Photos © Laila Schubert
Third and Fourth Installation
Photos © Camille Blake

© 2024 Jeong & Yuk

© 2023 Jeong & Yuk