Nephesh (2022)
With the commercialization of bio surveillance on species, animals have evolved in a way to receive and transmit data more conveniently. Nephesh, is a mythical bird in the future, represents the imagination of future species driven by human technology. It symbolizes the human perception onto non-human species from the future network of internet of animals.
The hologram installation shows the physical transformation from an ancient birdsculpture to a GPS tagged bird, and then to Nephesh. The morphing depicts a physical evolution while reflecting human’s aspiration and desire towards non-human beings.
Single Channel Video, 1:58 min, Loop, HD, Stereo Sound
3D Hologram Fan, Stereo Speakers
concept: Hyeseon Jeong, Seongmin Yuk
3d bird modeling: Seongmin Yuk
3d bird model VFX: Nathan Schönewolf
voice over: NC Grey
music composition: Hyemin Jung
supported by Driving the Human
event Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal, silent green Kulturquartier, Berlin(DE)

First and Second Installation Photos ©
Camille Blake
Third to Sixth Installation Photos © Laila Schubert
Third to Sixth Installation Photos © Laila Schubert